ADC70 Awards

TRB Barry D. McNutt Award

This award, given annually by the Energy and Alternative Fuels Committees of the TRB, is named for Barry McNutt, who during his 35 years of transportation and energy policy analysis made major contributions to national energy and environmental policies for transportation. The award recognizes outstanding contributions to the development of efficient and effective federal policies related to the automotive sector.

Returning soon: photos of past award winners.

SAE Barry D. McNutt Award for Excellence in Automotive Policy Analysis

This award honors the memory of Barry D. McNutt and his significant contributions to rational and effective public policy. A 35-year member of the SAE and a career-long public servant, McNutt served in the Public Health Service, the Environmental Protection Agency, the Federal Energy Administration and the Department of Energy from its inception until his death in November, 2003. He made major contributions to national energy and environmental policies for transportation. The award bearing his name recognizes outstanding contribution to the development of efficient and effective federal policies related to the automotive sector.

Returning soon: photos of past award winners.